Lindsay, Certified Reflexologist & Certified Acupressurist

Reflexology can provide pain and anxiety relief. It is known to have numerous health benefits, from providing deep relaxation to stimulating nerve function. When you need reliable reflexology services, turn to Herbalty Cottage in Medina, NY. Lindsay is here to help you!  She is certified in feet, hands and facial reflexology! 
Acupressure works just like Reflexology with using different pressure points, but in the whole body rather than focusing only on the hands, face or feet.  These sessions are less than 1 hour and will be a specific acupressure massage to cater to your goals, needs, and/or healing journey.
Ask about Lindsay’s programs and treatments that she offers!  You can request an appointment at the bottom of this page.

FOLLOW LINDSAY ON INSTAGRAM @simplewellnessbylindsay

Nancy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Nutritional Therapy involves a Functional Evaluation and Nutritional Assessment to determine the health of YOUR body systems. A PERSONALIZED nutrition plan will be created to bring balance to your body and ultimately create an environment to heal. Nancy looks for the root causes for issues relating to health.  She specializes in digestive and mental health and has more than 20 years experience in her expertise.
Nancy schedules her appointments with her clients on Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays. You can also request an appointment at the bottom of this page.
Christian Life Coaching is also available in the Himalayan Salt Room with Nancy.

Himalayan Salt Cave

Come, relax in our Himalayan Salt Cave. Our salt cave provides a sense of peace and calmness. With the attributes of the Himalayan salt, breathing in the pure fresh air for 45 minutes, is equal to being at the sea for 3 days, but WITHOUT POLLUTION! At Herbalty Cottage, our salt cave holds up to 6 people with chairs that recline, and a bench that glides back & forth. Every hour on the hour, starting at 10:00am, those with scheduled appointments will be escorted to the salt cave. Comfortable street clothes is recommended to wear. A lightweight jacket or sweater is suggested as we try to keep it cooler in there than the rest of the building. No food, drinks nor electronic devices are allowed in the salt cave. We ask for minimal talking as courtesy and respect for others in the room with you. Packages & Memberships are available as well as “pay as you go”. Cancellations must be 24 hours in advance.

Benefits You May Receive:

  • Recovering from COVID
  • Respiratory Problems: allergies; asthma; bronchits; sinus; congestion; COPD; recovering from C19, RSV
  • Reduce inflammation & mucus in the lungs
  • Affects cell activity, energy & blood sugar levels
  • Improves mood: depression; anxiety; SAD
  • Support immune, nervous & lymphatic systems
  • Reduce stress & headaches
  • Increase energy & better sleep patterns
  • Increase lung capacity & reduce physical ailments for adults, children & athletes
  • Recommended regular use during flu & allergy season
  • Improved skin conditions such as psoriasis, rashes, eczema, acne
  • Pure mineral salts have natural moisturizing properties & support the skin’s water balance
  • The 84 trace minerals are necessary for cell function & detoxification
  • Strong rejuvenating properties

Red Light Therapy & Vibration Plate

I am pleased to announce the continued journey of Herbalty Cottage by bringing in yet another medical grade, FDA approved, Photobiomodulation, aka red light therapy (RLT).

What photosynthesis is to plants, RLT is to humans! RLT regenerates cellular growth which is very exciting news for this area! Anyone who has or is suffering from cancer, gone through chemo/radiation, which we seem to see so much of, may use this type of therapy to regenerate cell growth!

The list is amazing as to the benefits those receive from using RLT regularly! This includes addressing circulation issues, lymphatic stagnation, skin rashes and irritations, inflammation, weight loss, brain injuries, and the list goes on!

This is a full body red light therapy session.  Anyone using our red light must not be wearing any make-up, perfumes, lotions, oils or the like on their bodies.  This will block the benefits that can be received from using RLT. 

In the RLT room you will find a vibration plate.  This service is automatically included when you purchase packages for RLT.  A vibration plate, when used on a regular basis, can help with balance, coordination, increase circulation, move lymph fluid, ease chronic and acute pain, reduces fat and inflammation, reduce blood pressure just to name a few!

Using these services alone or combining with our salt cave and sauna can make a tremendous difference!

 Red Light Therapy Benefits You May Receive:

  • Reduce Pain & Inflammation
  • Relieve Arthritis Pain
  • Promote Hair Growth
  • Treatment for Brain Injiury
  • Skin Conditions
  • Reduces Fat
  • Reduce Wrinkles/Anti-Aging
  • Improve Sleep
  • Sports Injuries/Recovery
  • Post-Surgery Healing
  • Destroys Cancer Cells
  • Relieve Chronic & Acute Pain/Injuries/Recovery
  • The Only light that Stimulates Blood Flow
  • Accelerates cellular repair, regeneration up to 10 times faster than your body’s natural healing process
  • Promotes healing of wounds, including deep tissues and nerves, prevent tissue damage through cell death

Vibration Plate Benefits You May Receive:

  • Improves Balance & Circulation
  • Gain/Regain Muscle Control
  • Increase Blood Flow & Oxygen to Muscles
  • Increase Flexibility
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Increase Serotonin
  • Improves Well-being
  • Tightens Skin
  • Reduces Fat
  • Reduce Blood Pressure
  • Moves Stagnant Lymphatic System
  • Improve Lower Back Pain
  • Relieve Chronic & Acute Pain
  • Better Cognitive Function
  • Accelerates Recovery from Recent Injuries
  • Promotes Healing of Wounds, Including Deep Tissues & Nerves
  • Prevent Tissue Damage Through Cell Death
  • Addresses Inflammation Disease

Far Infrared Sauna

The state of the art sauna is available right here at Herbalty Cottage.  Our certified, commercial, medical grade sauna is FDA approved.  The gentle, soothing and therapeutic heat promotes relaxation and improved sleep, unlike traditional saunas.  The full spectrum of the wavelengths of the infrared heal from the cellular level to the core. 

We found a lot of people using our sauna during the winter months to build the immune system, warm their core, help with joint & arthritic pain, detoxification, among other reasons.  During the summer months, we can adjust the heat so if the weather is too warm outside, you still receive the benefits of the infrared rays, which helps with circulation, lowering blood pressure and sugar levels, and so much more. The heat of our sauna imitates a fever.  By being in the sauna with the heat turned up and sweating occurs, which detoxifies any virus/bacteria that you may have.  Our walk-in sauna has a bench to sit on and can hold up to 3 people (or 750 lbs)  for anyone wishing to bring a friend or family member.  This quality full spectrum infrared sauna is complete with chromotherapy (light therapy) that compares to no other!  Different color lights are associated with different health benefits.  There is a choice of using 2 different colored lights during the session, or you can use the full color spectrum to bring balance to the body systems.


  • Immune system boost/Recovering from COVID
  • Rays deeply penetrate your body
  • Provide increased blood flow
  • Oxygenation of the blood
  • Removal of toxins from the skin
  • Elimination of aches and pains – joint pain & muscle pain
  • Increase bone density
  • Stimulating collagen production to reduce wrinkles
  • Improve overall skin tone
  • Wound healing
  • Muscle Recovery
  • Auto-immune disease, autism, ADD, ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression/SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder)

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