Seed Powder
Benefits that may be seen from using Fenugreek include reducing blood sugar, improve cholesterol levels, improve digestive problems, increase libido in men, promotes milk flow for breastfeeding, increase appetite, and enhance exercise performance.
Caution: May cause gas, diarrhea, bloating, risk of allergic reactions that may cause coughing, wheezing and swelling. Pregnant moms should use caution if they use Fenugreek and speak to their doctor before using. Fenugreek may thin blood and cause excessive bleeding for some people. Those taking blood thinners and anticoagulants should have the doctor’s approval before taking it.
Other interactions may include excessive bleeding and bruising, vomiting blood or passing dark stools.
There may be interactions with diabetics as Fenugreek can lower blood sugar levels and interact with diabetic medications.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.